Friday 7 October 2011

Cookies and Muffins

Was just in a baking sorta mood so made some scrumptious apple, chocolate, honey and oat muffins which where litterally delicious and some triple chocolate american style cookies. I seriously haven't had like cookies or muffins in years. I'm a strange person who like to cook but not eat the stuff I cooked. But they were yummy. My phone is out of battery so i can't post the acctual photo but here is kinda what they looked like.


Random Teen x

Thursday 6 October 2011

ungrateful little sod

I warned you of the random ramblings and random ramblings you will have. My brother just came in and said, not 'please can you make me an egg getting hunrgy', but 'you're making me an egg'. A please, never went a miss and neither did a thank you. So make him his ruddy egg and all he says is 'its not as good as mum'. Ungrateful little sod, the last time do something for you.

Random teenager x

Small success

So, well got a small success on the writing front. Have been voted as deputy editor on my college magazine, which although not editor is still a success on my part. I'm used to never being voted as anything and never hold any hope when it comes to voting as I always expect to fail. However, this being, apparently I received the large majority of the vote. Though it may only be a college thing, I'm acctually pretty excited and have lots of ideas.

Random teen x

Just another blog

I wish that I could promise the blogsphere and any person that stumbles across this blog in search of more interesting terrain that will religiously update this blog. However I'm sorry to say, as anyone who has followed my previous blogger attempts at blogging or my current worpress blog (ask me if you're intrested it), that not the most regular updater and that I have sporadic periods of blogging lots and not blogging at all. 

However, if I do so choose to update this one more often and less periodically than my other blogs, do so hope that it will provide a small, hopefully not too insignificant peep hole into the mind and the workings of a teenage girl.

Until next time,

Random teen x